
Παρασκευή 12 Μαρτίου 2010


because of the unfortunate incident of finding a bulgarian/english keyboard and because most of you do not understand bulgarian (let alone of the even more important fact that i cannot see the bulgarian letters to write in bulgarian), this...
i have been very curious in the last 10 or so days to understand where the heck we are going, what the heck i am doing in my life, what is all this number and name dropping with the VAT, the HTC, the XTC, the PHD and last but not least the PIGS...
i bought land. i have lots of it. i bought it with legal money and legally. i bought it in a country where land was usually bought with a pistol over the shoulder, with blackmailing, the blackest money from drugs and prostitution, let alone the forged money that circulate around the bulgarian soil.
i bought land. cheap yes. but also barren. not used for decades. and without a direct profit, but only an expectation of a future growth in the area.
but nearing 35 and anxious to understand why on earth we place our feet on the ground every day, i am still anxious to understand, why we buy land, why we follow this ancient Roman instituted idea of legally and formally putting barriers.
and i am even more curious to find out, whether in the not so distant future, we will not only buy land, but also water and air (not clean air, because this we already buy, by paying taxes for the dirty air) and finally our own bodies.
is the future so distant, where we will have to be obliged to pay for been alive, even when we reside on a far-out place, cultivating our own products, living on nothing, holding property of very very little? is it far away the moment where we will have to pay a fee for the possession of the space that we walk on?
when you come to Bulgaria, not so far away as those endless lands of Argentina or Tanzania, you can see the beauty of it, but also the massive space that exists that can feed us all for nothing, that can accomodate us all, that we can all use without a real need for buying land.
i am getting closer and closer in realising that land aquisition is a game of the predominantly city-living, quite wealthy and mainly self-employed peoples...but the more i realise the game, at the same time, the more entrapped in it i feel...

2 σχόλια:

SaLaMi-EdAfOuS είπε...

Α να χαθεις αγγλόφιλε,γαμώ την βρωμοχώρα σου....

Νίτσα Μαρούδα είπε...

yououououououou, my dear Land Lord youoyouoyoyoyoououou......

come home sooon and bring my :martis: