
Τετάρτη 18 Απριλίου 2007

The Buddha Machine

"The Buddha Machine is a small musical loop player created by the Chinese ambient duo FM3 (Christiaan Virant and Zhang Jian). It continuously plays one of 9 ambient sound loops that range in length from 5 to 40 seconds. It is often described as a small piece of installation art.
Resembling a small transistor radio, the Buddha Machine has a volume control that doubles as an on/off switch; a headphone jack; a 4.5V AC adapter jack; and a switch that, when moved, selects the next of 9 ambient loops. Unlike an MP3 player, the user cannot upload or download content to the machine"

taken from wikipedia : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddha_machine

“The Buddha Machine is a little plastic box that plays music.

Specifically, FM3 constructed nine drones, varying from two seconds to 42 seconds, which repeat endlessly in the listener’s ear until the “track” is switched to the next drone (or the two AA batteries run out).

The machine has its own built-in speaker, in case one would like to fill a room with the drones, but there is also a headphone jack for more personal meditative experiences. There’s a switch on the side that allows for traversal of the tracks, and a DC jack (though an adapter is not included) for those who would like the Buddha Machine experience be truly endless.

In a way, it’s like the cheapest pre-loaded IPod you’ll ever be able to buy.”

taken from : http://www.fm3buddhamachine.com/

i found a video in spanish but u can get an idea of whats about

check the FM3myspace profile : www.myspace.com/fm3buddhamachine and see them performing live in Sonar and Synch festival

2 σχόλια:

Ανώνυμος είπε...

to exw edw kai ena mish xrono, 5 lires apo UK(Big Chill festival), pragmatika den paizetai, einai gamw ta gadgets gia paralia!

8-bit είπε...

δεν θα το πιστέψετε αλλα έχω και εγω ενα τετοιο πραγματακι και τα σπάει!